Monumentet osmane në Maqedoni
Monumentet islame në Maqedoni prezantojnë ndërtesa spektakolare, të cilat edhe sot e kësaj dite rrëfejnë historinë e pasurisë dhe madhësinë e Perandorisë Osmane. Në fund të shekullit të 14, Maqedonia u përfshi në Perandorinë Osmane e cila ishte një prej perandorive më të mëdha në histori. Osmanët ishin të pranishëm në Maqedoni 5 shekuj të tëra (deri në vitin 1912) me ndikim në kulturën, fenë dhe arkitekturën e Gadishullit Ballkanik. Periudha e gjatë e kontaktit me kulturën turke ka pasur një ndikim të madh në mentalitetin, gjuhën, ushqimin dhe shumë aspekte të tjera të jetës së përditshme në Maqedoni, kurse qytetet përfitojnë shumë karakteristika orientale urbane.
Macedonia – an undiscovered pearl in the heart of the Balkan peninsula, a crossroad of diverse cultures from the East and West, a regular stop of the Roman road that used to be the most important one, Via Egnatia. This country is an inevitable destination for each and every tourist who is keen on discovering the mixture of secular history and natural beauties. The Capital city of Skopje, hidden as if in a wreath in the midst of the surrounding mountains, with its energy and charm of a modern metropolis, has the power to leave you breathless. Skopje is a magic in all sorts of taste, colours and scents. The centre of all trends, traffic jams, vibrations and rushing.
Macedonia – the most important crossroad in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula is a still undiscovered and mystique country which warmly welcomes all the travelers who want to reveal its secrets. Through the centuries, Macedonia has kept treasure of natural beauties, traditional values and different cultures. In the south-western part of the country, there is a city called Ohrid – one of the oldest and most authentic cities on the Balkan Peninsula. Its name is Lychnidos meaning “the city of light”. Ohrid is the cradle of the Orthodox spirituality and that is the very reason why it is called the Slavic Jerusalem.
On just 171 km from the capital Skopje and 15 km from the Balkan Jerusalem, Ohrid, there is a city called Struga, the smooth cradle of poetry in the splendid valley of the Struga field, spreading on both sides of the River Crn Drim, which, as a golden thread embroiders and flows out of the waters of the Ohrid Lake.
For some Bitola is known as a consul city, for others because of the prestigious Cinematographers’ Festival “Manaki Brothers” as well as the first motion pictures made on the Balkan, and some know it as the pearl under the Baba Mountain. Situated in the Pelagonia Valley, the city has always been an important sales-travelling link between the Adriatic and the Aegean Sea, as well as one of the most important journey routes between the Balkans and Central Europe.
Have you ever wondered which the highest place on the Balkans is? On 1350 metres above the sea level, Krushevo is the city that proudly carries this title. Situated in central Macedonia, with population of around 5000 citizens, this small city is special for many things, yet the most recognizable are the unique architecture, which is thoroughly in the spirit of the Macedonian tradition. Formed by narrow houses with amphitheatric posture and tiny streets, known for the most important Macedonian uprising against the Ottoman Empire, this calm and silent mountain city is several times per year a center of cultural and sport happenings.