The Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in the Republic of North Macedonia is an institution established by the Government of the Republic of Nrth Macedonia. The main function of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism is promoting tourism resources of the Republic of North Macedonia for foreign markets, as well as management and support of projects aimed at developing tourism in general. APST was founded in 2008 under the "Law establishing the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in the Republic of North Macedonia" ( "Official Gazette" No. 103/2008; 156/2010; 59/2012; 187/2013 и 41/2014).
The bodies of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism are: Management Board (composed of 7 members) and the Council (composed of 15 members). The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia gives consent to the Statute of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism, the annual work programme and the annual financial plan, while the Ministry of Economy supervises the legality of the operations of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism. The Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism has two sectors: promotion sector and support sector.
Competencies and strategic priorities
- - Active advancement and promotion of tourism and professional presentation of all segments and regions of the tourist offer, and preparing an analysis of the potentials of domestic and foreign tourism market;
- - Preparation and implementation of the programme and providing informational material to promote and support tourism values;
- - Establishment and development of a single tourist information system and its connection with other information systems;
- - Active promotion of the overall tourism potential of the Republic of North Macedonia in the country and abroad and cooperation with world famous tour operators to attract as many tourists as possible;
- - Positioning of new tourist markets;
- - Promoting and coordinating all tourism organizations, chambers, associations, organizations and other institutions in the field of tourism and hospitality in order to improve and promote tourism;
- - Initiating and guiding inter-municipal, regional and international cooperation for the promotion of tourism;
- - Participation in attracting investments in the tourism sector in the Republic of Macedonia;
- - Promoting and supporting the development of the total tourism potential of the country.
- - The Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism implements all other activities in accordance with law and Statute.

Tourism is a powerful business segment for the economy development, the main driver and a fundamental pillar of the socio-economic progress of the developed, but also of developing countries. The effects of tourism are multiple and mostly visible through the growth of foreign exchange inflows, improved balance of payments, creation of new jobs and increase investment. The rapid growth of tourism globally encouraged many countries in taking direct steps towards the development of tourism and its more serious treatment. According to this dynamics of growth and development and the importance of the tourism industry, the vision and mission of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism is aimed at responsible and sustainable development of tourism in the Republic of North Macedonia, aimed at larger contribution to economic development, poverty reduction, biodiversity conservation and management of natural resources. For success in the sphere of tourism proper planning and management is necessary, which is achieved by dedicated and responsible work, but also with an open and constructive inter-sectoral cooperation of institutions. The Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism, as marketing and market-oriented institution, through promotional activities and creation of tourist products in cooperation with the economy, contributes to greater competitiveness and recognition of the Republic of North Macedonia as a tourist destination.
The indirect results of the previous work of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism are visible by achieving a certain level of recognition and competitiveness of the Macedonian tourism product, while direct results show an increase of 150% in the number of foreign tourists and an average increase annually by 15 % of foreign currency inflow from the tourism item.

The Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism of the Republic of North Macedonia, guided by its commitment to continuous development, improvement and promotion of tourism, taking into account the advantages and economic benefits from the development of this industry, invests and works on the implementation of programme activities, with the goal to provide a better and more efficient tourism offer. The operation of the Agency is based on the principles of: expertise, professionalism, transparency, sustainability and accountability and in this context aims at responsible and professional work, especially in the possibilities of increasing the number of tourists. The Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism is aware of the importance of marketing and branding of the country, as well as the appropriate positioning of North Macedonia in the abundance of countries and tourist destinations through the introduction of the world public in the nature, history, culture and gastronomy.