Home Internal Organization

Internal Organization

Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism of the Republic of North Macedonia - contact informationPhone
APST - Skopje[email protected]02/3223-146
APST - Struga[email protected]046/789-428
Sector for support of tourism[email protected]02/3223-101
Sector for tourism promotion[email protected]02/3223-101


Билјана Стефаноска

Department for promotion, marketing and international cooperation

Department for analysis, research and strategic planning

Sector for projects, support of tourism and administrative – legal matters

Зоран Николовски
Раководител на Сектор за проекти, поддршка на туризмот и административно - правни работи
Ивана Димовска

Department for support of projects – Struga – Commission for subsidizing foreign organized tourism operations

Department for administrative – legal matters

No team member found

Department for financial affairs

Department for human resources management